Welcome to the website of the CFAM Lab where we strive to

uncover the simplicity underlying complexity and vice versa 

We are a multi-disciplinary Lab interested in fluid mechanics, transport phenomena, and hydrodynamics of soft ‎and active matter. In particular, we exploit the tools of applied mathematics ‎(e.g. reduced-order models and numerical techniques)‎ and experiments to solve impactful problems where the mutual coupling of moving or deformable ‎objects and their surrounding fluid plays an important role in the dynamics of the system. These ‎problems often involve ‎coupled physical phenomena taking place at a wide range of length and time scales and are of paramount importance in many engineering, biological, and biomedical contexts. Our Lab is equipped with high-end parallel computing and flow visualization facilities, and we always seek talented and motivated minds to join our team. We also very much enjoy collaborating with other experimental and theoretical groups.‎ For more information, please visit our research and publications pages. 

Principal Investigator

Hassan Masoud

Dean's Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Clemson University

Recent News

July 2024: CFAM Lab finds a new home in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University. Go Tigers!

More news